Local fireys get head into gear with new helmets

Tuesday 4 August 2015

1918 - when he was born .

1944 - helped found the ANC Youth League .

1952 -  opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa .

1952 -  instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action such as the 1952 .

1960 -  the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climat .

1962 -  arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison .

1990 -  negotiations were painfully slow and difficult .

1993 -  1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk .

1994 - selected State President of South Africa .

1999 - finish his President .

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